Our pediatric services focus on hearing loss evaluations and treatment, hearing protection, hearing aids and implants, and speech and language therapy for infants and children. Our comprehensive pediatric evaluations are tailored to the individual needs of each child, and utilize testing methods that are the most age-appropriate for the patient. Pediatric hearing aid services focus on providing the most speech available in the child’s speech range, combined with the best amplification system based on appropriate fitting formulas and speech-mapping systems. With younger children we focus on hearing aids that will help develop speech and language abilities, while amplification is the main concern for older children, whose academic performance depends on hearing as clearly as possible. We treat hearing loss in all pediatric patients and provide a range of support to our pediatric patients and their families. If you or someone you care for is experiencing hearing problems, please contact our office at (818) 859-7730 to schedule an appointment with our audiologist.